Create an authentic connection.



TanzerGlass provides specialized coaching to help you take control of your presentation style for a sharper performance during on-camera communications:

Keynote addresses | Presentations and other on-camera speaking engagements | Video conferencing | Web content | Corporate videos | Live and prerecorded interviews | Webinars | Social media video content | TV appearances

The Camera Sees Everything

When communicating on-camera, everything is amplified. Your posture, tone of voice, quality of eye contact, expressive gestures, and your connection with the camera communicate as much as (if not more than) the words you use.

Nervous behaviors such as shaking, sweating, losing your train of thought, stumbling over your words, or disconnecting from your audience can distract from your message and undermine your credibility.

With the right preparation and training, you can take control of your message and excel in this challenging medium.

Our Approach

On-camera coaching is available for individuals and small groups. Our principals coach these sessions to provide the high-level attention that ensures full readiness for all important communications.

Using elements of our Mastering Authentic Presence and Performance (MAPP)™ training system, we build on your natural talents and style to bring forth your innate communication skills. 

Instead of focusing on surface-level “tips and tricks,” which can leave you looking over-coached, we’ll give you tangible techniques that yield authentic and compelling on-camera communication.